Kuby Block

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Invoke a function and some more


Declare a function

Declare a function to use in this post

function info(firstname, lastname, age){

Popular way

As you know, we can invoke a function with syntax function_name(arg1, arg2). In our example, it will be:

info("Rick", "Thomas", 30);
// Output:
// Rick
// Thomas
// 30

What happen if we leave empty the final argument?

Its value will be undefined

info("Rick", "Thomas");

// Output:
// Rick
// Thomas
// undefined

So, could we ignore the first agrument?

Yes, possible, but we will use another way to invoke, apply, you can see it in below.

In this way, to ignore first argument, we have to put it explicit undefined value:

info(undefined, "Thomas", 30);

// Output:
// undefined
// Thomas
// 30

And not simple like that,

Even if you do not put any parameters in declare function, you can get it via variable arguments:

function info(){

info("Rick", "Thomas", 30);
// Output: ["Rick", "Thomas", 30]
// interesting? yeah

So, what if we also declare parameters for this function?

function info(firstname, lastname, age){


info("Rick", "Thomas", 30);
// Output:
// Rick
// Thomas
// 30
// ["Rick", "Thomas", 30]

That is, arguments is always exists and represent for all arguments you put into function. Other way, arguments is an attribute of Function class.

Invoke a function via call

call function is a method of object function, or a method of Function class: info.call(thisArgs, ...argsArr);

info.call(null, "Rick", "Thomas", 30);
// Output:
// Rick
// Thomas
// 30

You see, we have this argument in this way, how to use it?

To use, in function, we just use this to do something like this:

function grow(name, luckyMoney){
	console.log(`Give ${name} ${luckyMoney}$`);
	this.money += luckyMoney;

let boy = {
	name: "Lux",
	money: 12

grow.call(boy, boy.name, 10); // Give Lux 10 $
// Output: {name: "Lux", money: 22}

Invoke a function via apply

Similar with call, apply is also a method of Function class, but have different way to invoke: info.apply(thisArgs, [ardsArr])

info.call(null, ["Rick", "Thomas", 30]);
// Output:
// Rick
// Thomas
// 30

As above mentioned, we invoke function and ignore the first parameter will look like this:

info.call(null, [,"Thomas", 30]);
// Output:
// underfine
// Thomas
// 30


Another method, not invoke function, just transfer it, that’s bind info.bind(thisArgs, ...args)

Example we declare add function like that:

function add(a, b){
	return a + b;

we can bind it to a variable look like:

const add2 = add.bind()

add2(4, 5); // 9

What is different with assign it?

Yeah, it is almost the same, except that you can put something when bind it, to make it more powerful.

Some other interesting examples about bind: Ex1:

function add(a, b){
	return a + b;

const add2 = add.bind(null, 2);

const add3 = add.bind(null, 3);

add2(5); // 7
add3(5); // 8


function getFullname(){
	return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastname}`;

const boy = {
	firstname: "John",
	lastname: "Thomas"

const boyFullname = getFullname.bind(boy);

boyFullname(); // John Thomas

boy.firstname = "Meli";
boyFullname(); // Meli Thomas


function add(a, b){
	return a + a;

const addAssign = addFunc;
const addBind = addFunc.bind();

addAssign(7,8); // 14
addBind(7,8); // 14

function add(a, b){
	return a + b;

addAssign(7,8); // 14
addBind(7,8); // 14

// That's, they are not changed when redefining `add` function

So, there are many ways to invoke a function. It depends on the context and used accordingly. :)

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